Well-ventilated calf housing is critical to the well-being of your herd. Without proper airflow, your calves would be at the mercy of major respiratory issues, heat stroke and long-term health problems. How do we know this? We’ve seen it.
The all-new standard-size calf hutch is the first hutch of its kind manufactured with air flow channels built right in. With new structural upgrades and fully customizable features, this calf hutch will reinvent how you manage your calf operation. Click here for more information.
Calf-Tel Outdoor Hutches

Calf-Tel Indoor Pen
Modular, cost-effective solution for indoor calf raising. Calf-Tel introduced the first free-standing, completely modular, indoor pen system of its kind. While other systems may look similar, the Calf-Tel pen system provides calf raisers with the most versatile, highest labor savings, calf and calf manager friendly indoor pen system available. Calf-Tel Pens are backed by the longest track record of success on the market. Various sizes and options are available. Click here for more information.

Calf-Tel Starter Pen
Easy and convenient for the producer, keeping your calves’ safe, dry and warm has never been so easy with the Single Starter System. Built with both the calf and producer in mind, the Single Starter Calf Hutch includes many built-in features and additional options.
The Single Starter Calf Hutch helps complete the full Calf-Tel Calf Program, calf housing from birth beyond weaning. Click here for more information.

Calf-Tel: Double Up Pen System
More information coming soon!!

Indoor Group Pen
Once calves reach a certain phase they are ready to be moved into group housing. However, the transition isn’t always black and white. Recognizing this, we worked with our customers to help them phase their calves into the group with a solution that’s both innovative and easy as one, two, three!

Elite Calf Pairing Fence
Similar to young adults, weaned calves benefit from socializing with their peers. The Elite Pairing Fence gives calves just the right environment for this important stage of development. The pairing fence is built with the Elite Pairing Gate for increased calf interaction which helps in reducing stress and other potential health problems in calves during this transitional stage.

Calf Tel offers accessories for feeding, hutches, fencing, Pens etc.
Galvanized dual pail holder.
Pull out handles on panels.
Two white pails for milk, water or grain.
Calf Blanket
Feed Saver Cover
Hutch Side Door
Rear bedding Door
Hay feeder and so many other options.

Foerster Technik Automatic Calf Feeder
Healthy calves thanks to optimal nourishment
Your calves enjoy relaxed feeding thanks to self-determined feeding times
Freshly-prepared calf feed around the clock in precisely dosed quantities
Feed is always supplied at optimal temperature
Individually adjustable feeding plans
Feed consumption is recorded, allowing for early detection of illness
Fully automated cleaning
Time freedom thanks to the automatic feeding system
Internet-capable as standard – Use our free CalfApp & CalfCloud!

Foerster Technik Calf Milch Mobil
Save work time with rapid feed preparation
Gentle feed warming with the heated water bath – guaranteed not to burn on!
Easy on your back; forget about carrying buckets around
Electric drive and optimal stability while driving on any terrain
Convenient and precise dispensing at the push of a button
Always the right feed temperature
Perfect hygiene with minimal workload thanks to the rotating cleaning nozzle